Ergo node setup on Windows 10
How to set up an Ergo full node
Step 1: Install java runtime environment > v.9.: link to Java SE LTS 11
Step 2: Get the latest Ergo node binary: link to github for Ergo node.
Step 3: Create the configuration files for the Ergo node and binary in a folder on your computer and start the node.
ergo {
directory = “your directory”
node {
mining = true
wallet.secretStorage.secretDir = “your wallet directory”
In this step you need to make a directory (in this case E:/ergonode) for the configuration file, set mining to true or false (since we are going to mine I set it to true), and also make a directory for the wallet of the running node that will get Ergo from mining. Finally I create a start_mainnet.bat passing the parameter mainnet (you could replace it with testnet if you wanted to run testnet) and using the configuration file ergo.conf that we have made and run this in windows powershell (should be installed on your computer by default if not see this guide)
Congratulations you have now a running node! Yet we have a few more steps to make!
Step 4: Get an API key (blake2b) through the nodes REST API wtih Swagger UI on a browser and update your configuration file
For mainnet the default port for the rest api is 9053 and for testnet it is 9052. This link should get you to the swagger ui for your nodes rest API on mainnet. I used Chrome but it should work with other browsers as well.
Now you simply update the ergo.conf with the api key with the following text:
After you set this up rememer to restart your node so that it will load with the new API key hash.
Step 5: Initialize the wallet
On mainnet you will have a panel on and on testnet it will be on port 9052/panel. When you click this link you should see something like this:
After passing the secure phrase in this case “Hello” (capital word sensitive) you gain access to initializing your wallet.
After pressing Initialize wallet you can initialize a wallet or restore a wallet:
I choose password Alsohello and as the Mnemonic password is optional I did not fill it out. After pressing send you will get your 15 secret words belonging to the wallet:
You can then also check your wallets address by using the panel and going to wallet then clicking more next to Addresses:
And that is all you need to do to setup a node! If you found this useful you can donate to my tip Ergo wallet 9hVLU73iQ7339kvjckvr3aymA89Xeb4WGwbvk6BhQ6Kwg4mQPD2 (Only Erg!)